The hunter is neither masculine nor feminine. It’s neither human nor animal. The hunter is the timeless, instinctual voice inside all of us that motivates our will to survive. To evolve and adapt as necessary. To become ascended masters of our highest consciousness as the apex of all God’s creations.
My Buck Moon message is not some kind of, “Grab life by the antlers and man-up,” advice… We’re leveling higher in our Spiritual journeys by now, thus we should discard all previously structured concepts of masculine and feminine; they are beneath us. The human identity is: An ancient immortal soul made by God—the Alpha and the Omega.
To understand the masculine and feminine energies in their purest forms, let’s first discuss what energy itself is…
Energy has no gender. Start to get comfortable with this concept. Our culture attaches gender to certain energies and that is incorrect and destructive. Why? Because it can cause people to feel as though they must choose only one and build their identity around it. God made us with a range of highly complex, different, and unique energies that we all have within us. We should practice nurturing these energies so we can bring them into harmony and balance. Choosing one is not applicable.
Energy is movement, not an identity. We are all immortal souls, and our body simply houses the soul while we’re on earth. The outside will never define the inside no matter how much we try to make that so. For this reason, disfigured people will see themselves as beautiful, and some beautiful people look in the mirror and see ugliness. This is just one example of many. None of us should allow our souls to be defined or bound to concepts of the flesh in any way. It’s a slippery slope when we start to use fluid energies that originate on the INSIDE of us to define or determine the OUTSIDE of us. Not only because it moves, but also because it evolves during our lives.
Energy is timeless, but time exists for us on earth. While energy itself is genderless, it’s certainly acceptable to assign (human) time to it because energy evolves over our lifetime. When once we felt like a beginner, just peeking through the doorway of a new feeling or experience, eventually we can become skillful masters of each energy if we’re nurturing them appropriately. Energies are initially shaped in our youth but develop as we age. Our experiences in childhood often become major players in how these energies will manifest in our adult lives. For this reason, it’s so important to understand and nurture both. We owe it to the young ones in the tribe to continue our self-mastery lessons so we can best support them.
Remember… Most adults are still struggling to understand who they are and live that truth with confidence. So, we must use discernment when putting major life choices in the hands of children. We are all in this together and must be understanding and kind to ourselves and others.
What are the traits of the masculine and feminine energies, and how do they relate to tarot artwork?
For us to have a well-balanced, exploratory conversation (or tarot reading), we use tarot cards that depict 156 basic human energies— masculine, feminine, and divine. The cards have suits, and the suits have numbers from 1 to 10. These cards represent the “young” energy (the pages), the seeker energy (the knights), the rulers of the energy (the kings and queens), the masters of the energy (the emperor and empress), and the divine energy (Spirit.) Tarot artwork must represent ALL energies so we can span the vastness of the human experience.
The Masculine Energy represents the “doer,” the go-getter, the decision maker. It’s the action-taker who is focused, driven, and makes things happen! Simply put, masculine energy is about taking inspired action and bringing thoughts, ideas, projects, and dreams into the real world through focused work, determination, and will power! Masculine energy is a strong and powerful force.
The Feminine Energy represents the “attracter,” the creator, the multiplier. It’s the one who IS love. The energy that exists to draw in, not chase. The nurturer. The lover. The one who receives, and then transmutes and grows all that is received into new creations. Simply put, feminine energy is to embody love in all its forms so that growth and healing can blossom. Feminine energy is a gentle and loving touch.
As complex as we sometimes make it, the simplest clarification is that these 2 main energies are based on the natural reproduction of human life— species survival. A man gives the seed to a receiving womb located within a woman, and she grows another human. Thus, we have the giver and the receiver. The doer and the attracter. The action-taker and the multiplier (of cells.) For this reason, most tarot cards depict classic-looking males for the kings, and classic-looking females for the queens, but many decks show female kings and male queens too. Some tarot decks don’t use people at all, but animals or plants. Gender is irrelevant in tarot.
From my collection… The artist of this animal-based deck chose to represent both the masculine and feminine with antlers. Both are strong, powerful, and confident in their energy. They radiate serenity and balance, and tarot considers them to be the ultimate power couple. Why a “couple” if both energies exist within all of us? Because the real-world manifestation of 2 people coming into union who have both achieved this level of mastery is essentially the greatest partnership that can exist.
Animal Oracles and Wellness Activity:
Are your masculine and feminine energies out of balance because you have been “in” one of them for too long, thus neglecting the other? We will all go through seasons where we’re driven and focused, as well as tender and nurturing. The goal is to create a healthy balance of both! The most well-rounded masculine also fully understands the feminine within and vice versa. We can use this full Buck Moon to harness our “doer” energy by choosing to DO something that we really need. I encourage you to read through both animal oracles, but for this activity, please choose the energy that needs the most attention right now…
THE DEER: For the overly Masculine who needs to nurture the Feminine within:
You don’t need to step into drive if you’ve been driving for too long. You might be over working to the point of exhaustion. How is the state of your emotional well-being? How long has it been since you chose to take some time to slow down, relax, get proper rest, and create stillness within? Harness your inner Deer.
Your wellness activity for this weekend and following week is to be gentle, loving, and creative. Do not go chasing anything. Rest where you are and allow yourself to engage with your deepest emotions of love. Tap into your creative resources. Build something. Paint something. Grow something. Relax into a peaceful state of mind and connect with your heart. Let yourself cry if it comes over you. Listen to calm music. Take a nap. Give and receive a hug from a pet or loved one. Research the deer and see what messages might be there for you. Enjoy!
THE STAG: For the overly Feminine who needs to nurture the Masculine within:
Are you spending so much time in your emotions that your goals and projects have been put on hold for too long? Sometimes accessing the energy of attracting for too long can cause our 3D list of “to do’s” to pile up, making us feel like we’re falling behind on things. Harness your inner Stag.
Your wellness activity for this weekend and following week is to get up and start the chase! Make a list of goals that you want to complete including short-term and long-term. Step into decision-making mode on anything that’s been pending for too long. Send that text. Go to that restaurant. Start that new project. Buy something new. Paint a room. Ask someone out. Apply for that job. Listen to upbeat music! Roll up your sleeves and get some dirt on your hands. Take inspired action and believe in your determination and fortitude! Research the stag and see what messages might be there for you. Enjoy!
The beautiful thing about humans is that God made us complex, unique, and intelligent! Balancing both the masculine and feminine energies within us we’ll develop our understanding of who we are and cultivate healing from the inside out. We will eventually come to a point of consciousness when we realize that we are all truly souls having a human experience for a short time. When we practice nurturing and balancing these energies, we will easily shift and dance between them as often as our circumstances need it.
Begin to reject the concept that we are one or the other. We are both. We are all. We are made in the image of God who is both, who is all. The Alpha and the Omega; The Beginning and the End. We should live each day in the present moment of our highest self, bringing all our energies into balance and harmony. Listen to the hunter within… What are your instincts saying that you need right now?
With Love, Michelle