Please contact me for my current rates! If you need to cancel a scheduled reading, please try to let me know as far in advance as possible. Thank you!
Your Tarot Experience…
The Craft: I read tarot for individuals and couples, and I am available for small parties, or any intimate gatherings. Meet-ups can be anywhere the client is comfortable with, or done as video calls; however, in person readings are preferable for the best tarot experience!
My Gift to You Through Tarot: Empowerment to seek your own individual path toward God. Encouragement to pursue a connection with your higher self for internal healing. Suggestions for releasing negative patterns, and re-establishing positive self-Love habits. Guidance on seeking wholeness of being. Inspiration to access, understand, and discover ways to harness your gifts to contribute to the greater good. Motivate you to seek God during seasons of transformation, for overcoming personal barriers, and for healing worldly ailments such as: physical and mental health struggles, grief, and loss. Provide clarification on life path choices, identity, and origin questions. Explore and implement ways to live a healthier lifestyle that is in alignment with your higher self. Confidence to fully embody your authentic self, so you can reach your goals, and live your best life!
God First: While seeking advice or guidance from another human such as a tarot reader, therapist, life coach, pastor, your bestie, or your mom can be very helpful, I strongly encourage everyone to seek God on an individual basis, and only listen to your own internal guidance system to make the best choices. NO ONE should tell you what to think or what to do. The answers are already within you… and when you are open to exploring the hallways of yourself, eventually you will realize that you are exploring the Maker of those hallways, as He made us in His image.
The Power and the God Behind It: I do not believe that anything has power except for God, and that He can assign or give power to any person, or any thing He chooses to. I don’t believe that things like crystals or rocks have any power unless God uses a physical object or symbol to communicate with an individual to enhance their personal relationship with Him. I don’t believe that things like sage “clear” dark energy, nor do I believe that reiki is effective, unless the healer accesses God to transmute the energy/spirits/demons. We can all call upon God for any reason; HE is the one who holds the power, and nothing else.
My Spiritual Tools: My tarot decks and oracle cards were lovingly chosen for me by Spirit. I only use “tools” that I am intuitively drawn to, and my decks have been crafted by artisans from around the world—they are beautiful, permanent art fixtures in my home. The rocks and crystals that I have were given to me under Spiritual guidance, or gifted to me by family. They all have a personal meaning to me, and represent a milestone in my connection with God. (I did not buy a “witch starter pack” on amazon… that’s not how any of this works…)
What Tarot Is: Just one of many available tools that can be used to have a meaningful, and positive conversation with Spirit. Each card depicts artwork that represents 78 different types of energy which humans can embody. The tarot reading itself will only confirm things you “already know,” and is mainly used for confirmation that you are on the right path, and being supported by Spirit, angels, ancestors, and passed over loved ones. All tarot is positive. The tarot reader has a responsibility to be clear, gentle, and helpful, and to never distort or manipulate the readings for personal gain; however, sadly, many people do this.
What Tarot is Not: In the Bible, Jesus Himself says that without a connection to God, people will only hear parables when He speaks—so basically riddles. All words, lessons, and concepts are useless if a person doesn’t truly seek to understand the deeper meaning. Tarot is not something that “over powers” God, predicts the future, or engages in discussions with the deceased. Tarot should be viewed as an intimate conversation, and is only helpful if the client is willing to connect with THEMSELVES. The Bible specifically discusses the use of “divination” tools as being a sin, and I fully understand why this is. God knew 2 things when including this topic in the Bible: 1. Humans should never seek another human for guidance ABOVE Him, but they absolutely will… and 2. Humans will manipulate others for personal gain through anything they can. This happens in tarot… and also in sales, the news, doctor visits, school classrooms, social media, and church sermons to name a few. Remember this when asking yourself if artwork on card stock is a “sin.” Is hearing the right song at the right time a sin? Is finding a feather after praying for a passed over loved one a sin? Is being led to a specific Bible verse that you needed to hear, as if it was written just for you, a sin? God speaks to us through anything and everything, and the Bible tells us this too!
Disclaimer: I am a Spiritual advisor and tarot reader only. I am not qualified, licensed, or trained to diagnose or comment on any type of medical ailment or offer treatment advice for any medical conditions, both physical and mental. If you currently see a licensed doctor or therapist, please consult your doctor before choosing tarot. Tarot readings are a conversation with you, me, and God. Tarot sessions are your choice. What you choose to take away or leave behind from the reading is up to you. Do not follow any advice given during the reading unless you feel that it is correct for you and cleared by your doctor. You are solely responsible for your life, your health, and your actions. After the reading, any choices that you make are your own, and made from your own free will. You are free to disregard any advice I offer. I am not responsible for any choices that you make on your own free will. Tarot readings are advice only, and not to be taken as instructions. You are solely responsible for your own choices and well-being. If for any reason you wish to end the session before the scheduled end, we can stop and calculate the rate by minute. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your reading, please contact me directly to discuss your concerns, and/or a possible refund.