A Conversation with God for Personal Development and Healing by Michelle
Soundscape Experiences, Coming Soon!
SSoouunnddssccaappee EExxppeerriieenncceess,, CCoommiinngg SSoooonn!!

Soundscape Experiences, Coming Soon!

At the beach, when spending some quiet time with God, sitting alone in the cool evening sand, I heard Him speak to me in a melody. A pulse. A vibration. My heart syncopated with the language of the Holy Spirit, and God said to me… “Sound bowls.” I laughed and shook my head down into my hand… “I don’t know anything about those!”

Looking out into the vastness of the sea, I waited for clarification from Him but all that He gave me was the peaceful rhythm of the ocean waves dancing in and out… making natural music. Making a pattern. Making a landscape of auditory art. “Okay,” I said… “Let’s make music together, God.”

So, here we are! My collection started many years ago, but this past week, I added 3 new instruments. One day, I hope to incorporate sound experiences into my in-person tarot readings, or just offer these as a main service. Right now, I’m learning everything I can, practicing a lot, and looking into sound bath training/certifications. More to come on that.

In the meantime, I’ll be sharing some amateur soundscapes on my social media, discussing these beautiful instruments, and of course, offering completely FREE sessions with any in-person tarot readings. Here is the list of my instruments in the order I was inspired to pick them up:

– Mini Martin guitar
-Aklot steel drum (11 notes)
-African Djembe (shaman) drum
-Aklot 16-string mahogany lyre harp
-2 wooden egg shaker maracas
-3 CVNC crystal frosted singing bowls in the notes of C (root chakra), E (solar plexus chakra), and B (crown chakra)
-40 inch cactus rainstick made in Chile
-12 inch wave drum (opted for a cheaper version at the moment to try it out)

I’m so excited to share this journey into sound healing with everyone! Please be patient with me as I learn and develop my talent… and always remember that it’s never “too late” to start a new passion project, side hustle, job, or life path. Go with the flow of the rhythm in your heart and make each day a brand new song!

With Love, Michelle